Pressures are real but fatal


Written by: Oluwatosin Animasahun

Definitely, Pressure is a report card that certify a project being real within you is ready to be birthed. It is an affirmation that something beautifying is decorating your inside world and is ready to manifest in the outside world.

Anytime a vision is trigger by the antennas of our satellite, we become restless. As a matter of fact, the restless movement become involuntary to the extent that we involuntarily activate the reasoning dimension of our cerebrum for constant meditation and programming.

We couldn't control all of these things sometimes from within us because certain hormones are responsible for them; being part of the reason why we are human by nature.

 However, just because all of these processes explained are natural and most time happen unconsciously does not mean we don't have our way of controlling them. Of course we do, and I will explain. Follow me.

You see, pressures are confirmations that a vision has been received. Nevertheless any vision that is carried out under pressure is doom to fail. Pressures are disastrous as helpful as they are.

So even though pressure takes over the inside, you can take over the outside. Like I wrote in my last published motivation for visionaries, that everything that has a strength sure has a weakness. Pressure does not have time and that's its weakness, once you did not act during its reign, it dethrone itself. The reason why you see many visions draining off today is because they were acted out while the Visionaries were on pressure.

So as Visionaries, we have the advantage of waiting while pressure is increasing our ideology about those visions. And we must wait until it dethrone itself before we start acting them out.

Pressure is definitely real but dangerous. Beware of the decisions you make when you are under pressure. It can destroy destiny.

I so love you. Thanks for reading.

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